Sunday, December 29, 2019
Analysis Of The Biography Devin Booker - 1246 Words
Devin Booker was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on October 30, 1996. He was born to Melvin Booker and Veronica Gutierrez. His father, Melvin Booker, was named the 1994 Big Eight player of the year while point guard at the University of Missouri. Booker was in Michigan, while his father was pursuing a professional career overseas. Devin visited his father two months out of the year while he was on summer break. At an early age, Devin was taught by his father that having a basketball IQ was more important than natural athleticism. While Devin was in Michigan, he had played for the freshman, junior varsity, and varsity basketball teams at Grandville High School, in Grand Rapids. But Booker then moved to Mississippi, to live with his father, after his retirement from professional basketball. He had then enrolled into Moss Point High School, where his father was an assistant coach, in August of 2011. Early on Booker was a high school standout. As a sophomore he had developed into one of the best guards in the coastal area of the gulf. He had averaged 22.7 points per game. He also had been drawing interest in Mississippi State, Ole Miss, Georgetown, Florida, Georgetown, Alabama, and Missouri. Later that season Devin scored 54 points in the MLK shootout. With Devin’s sophomore season now over, it was now time for his junior campaign. With most of Moss Point’s experienced players graduating, Devin switched to the point guard position for his junior season. But later in the season
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Crucible- Conflict Resolution Essay - 734 Words
The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, is a movie that focuses on the conflict and resolution that occurred during the Salem witch trials during 17th century Puritan New England. After a group of young girls are found dancing and chanting during the night in the middle of the woods, strange things begin to happen within the small town. Conflict arises when Reverend Parris, the local minister, discovers the girls in the forest being led by a black slave named Tituba. Two girls out of the group, including Reverend Parris’s daughter, Betty, fall into a coma-like state after they have been caught in the forest. This causes the town to start to question if witchcraft plays a factor in their sicknesses. Reverend Parris’s niece, Abigail,†¦show more content†¦Abigail runs away when she realizes that her plan of being with John Proctor has not worked as expected. The trials and accusations continue, and many people are executed for their alleged dealings with the devil. Hale attempts to convince the accused to confess rather than hang, but all refuse. Conflict is explored throughout The Crucible in many different ways. TheShow MoreRelatedCompassion Fatigue: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment1537 Words  | 6 Pages Combating Compassion Fatigue This essay examines compassion fatigue, including its causes and symptoms. The essay also considers the needs of caregivers and explores coping strategies and resources available to caregivers. Warning Signs The warning signs of compassion fatigue are grouped into several major classifications. 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If that person was still alive, the procedure was successful Witchcraft Correlated with ‘The Crucible’ where Tituba, Sarah Good Sarah Osborne are accused of witchcraft in Salem, 1692 What to do with the witches?! Exodus 22:18- Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live Leviticus 20:27- A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that isRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesDecision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 543 18 Organizational Change and Stress Management
Friday, December 13, 2019
A Young Lady With Feet Swelling Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
A 29-year-old Indonesian domestic assistant, Ms MH, was admitted to medical section, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, complaining of bilateral pess and mortise joints swelling and bubbling piss for 1 hebdomad. There was no hematuria, dysuria, urinary frequence, urgency, febrility, joint hurting, tegument roseolas, sore pharynx, recent upper respiratory piece of land symptoms or GI symptoms. She denied taking any herbs or nonprescription medicines. We will write a custom essay sample on A Young Lady With Feet Swelling Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Her past medical history and household history were everyday. She was a non-smoker, and denied history of unprotected sex. She recalled that her first twenty-four hours of last catamenial period was approximately 2 hebdomads before the admittance. On scrutiny, she was afebrile, with bosom rate 103 beats per minute and blood force per unit area 144/71mmHg. She had periorbital hydrops, facial swelling and opposing hydrops of 4 limbs. There was no lividness. Her fundoscopic scrutiny was normal. Jugular venous force per unit area was elevated. On auscultation, her thorax was clear, her bosom beat was regular with a non-displaced cardiac vertex, and there was no bosom mutter. Abdominal scrutiny did non uncover any abdominal mass or bruit. She did non hold any skin roseolas or joint puffiness. Dipstick uranalysis showed 3+blood, 2+protein, and negative for glucose. Urine gestation trial was negative. Her blood trial showed normochromic, normocystic anemia ( haemoglobin degree 10.5g/dL ) and deranged nephritic map trial ( serum creatinine: 168i? mol/L ) . Her white cell count was 10.4 ten 10^9/L, the albumin degree was 24g/L and the liver map trial was normal. Her serum entire cholesterin degree was 5.2mmol/L, low denseness lipoprotein degree was 3.7mmol/L and fasting plasma glucose was 4.5mmol/L. The everyday microscopy of piss was positive for ruddy blood cell, ruddy cell dramatis personae, and was negative for white blood cell. The urine sum protein was 1.13g/day and the creatinine clearance was 10 mL/min. Mid-stream piss for civilization was negative. The clinical image was compatible with nephritic syndrome or quickly progressive glomerulonephritis ( RPGN ) , and anemia. Further probes showed that serum anti-nuclear antibodies ( ANA ) , antineutrophil cytoplasmatic antibodies ( ANCA ) , anti-streptolysin O ( ASO ) antibody, and anti-glomerular cellar membrane ( anti-GBM ) antibody titres were undetectable. Serum C3 and C4 complement degrees were normal. Hepatitis B surface antigen, anti-hepatitis C virus antibody, serum cryoglobulin and blood civilization were negative. Ultrasound scan of nephritic system revealed normal-sized kidneys with increased echogenicity, which was suggestive of nephritic parenchymal disease. Nephritic biopsy confirmed Immunoglobulin ( Ig ) A nephropathy. The reticulocyte count was normal, peripheral vilification showed mild poikilocytosis, and serum Fe profile was non implicative of Fe lack. Faecal supernatural blood trials were negative in all of the 3 stool specimens. Serum and urine paraprotein were n egative, and bone marrow scrutiny showed active marrow. Ms. MH was given low dose frusemide for diagnostic alleviation of peripheral hydrops, and was given angiotensin change overing enzyme inhibitor ( ACEI ) for control of blood force per unit area. She was assessed by nephrologist and was suggested to go on these medicines, and to mention to renal clinic for consideration of steroid therapy when serum creatinine is on increasing tendency or when albuminuria progresses to nephrotic scope. She tolerated the medicines and was on a regular basis followed up in the medical out-patient clinic. Discussion ** ( entire words for instance history and treatment must be 1000-2000 ) : Ms MH, a healthy 29-year-old lady, presented with 1 hebdomad history of dependent hydrops, high blood pressure, microscopic hematuria, and a low grade of albuminuria ( urine sum protein: 1.13g/day ) . Urine microscopy revealed white blood cell, ruddy blood cell and ruddy cell dramatis personae. This clinical image is compatible with glomerulonephritis, which can be loosely classified into renal-limited primary glomerulonephritis or secondary glomerulonephritis perplexing systemic disease. Further blood trial for serologic markers of glomerulonephritis, viz. ANA, ANCA, anti-GBM antibody, ASO titres, hepatitis serology, blood civilizations and cryoglobulin titres were undetectable, therefore excepting secondary glomerulonephritis. Nephritic biopsy remains the gilded criterion for unequivocal diagnosing of glomerulonephritis. The biopsy specimen can be examined under the light microscopy in order to find the primary histopathological hurt to the uriniferous tubule. Under light microscopy, immunofluorescence survey is able to place three major forms of deposition of Ig, viz. farinaceous, additive and dearth of immunofluorescence staining. Farinaceous deposition of Ig is a trademark of immune complex glomerulonephritis. Linear deposition of Ig along the glomerular cellar membrane is characteristic of anti-GBM disease. Dearth of Ig and positive circulating ANCA represent glomerulonephritis caused by ANCA-related vasculitis. ( 1 ) Ms MH was eventually diagnosed to hold IgA kidney disease, which is the commonest cause of primary glomerulonephritis throughout the universe. ( 2 ) Typical oncoming of the disease is in the 2nd and 3rd decennaries of life, as manifested by our instance. Majority of patients are diagnosed during an rating for symptomless microscopic hematuria or mild albuminurias. Macroscopic, and frequently perennial, hematuria that occurs shortly after an upper respiratory tract infection is a authoritative but less common presentation. Patient with IgA kidney disease may besides presented with nephrotic-range albuminurias, RPGN or, seldom, malignant high blood pressure. ( 3,4 ) As demonstrated by our instance, the complement degree is typically normal in IgA nephropathy. Light-microscopically, IgA nephropathy can change from mild mesangial proliferation and enlargement to spread proliferation with glomerular crescents. Immunofluorescence staining typically showed farinaceous deposition of Ig, decl arative mood of immune complex glomerulonephritis. ( 1 ) Ms MH was put on ACEI for blood force per unit area control. There are groundss that patterned advance of IgA kidney disease may be slowed by ACEI and angiotonin II receptor blockers ( ARB ) . ( 5,6 ) The drugs act by cut downing the intra-glomerular force per unit area and by straight bettering the size-selective belongingss of the glomerular capillary wall, lending to their anti-hypertensive and anti-proteinuric consequence. ( 1 ) In a randomized controlled test, 44 patients with biopsy-proven IgA kidney disease, proteinuria more than or equal to 0.5 gram/d, and serum creatinine less that or equal to 1.5 mg/dL ( 133 umol/L ) were indiscriminately assigned either to have Vasotec or to a control group in whom blood force per unit area was controlled with anti-hypertensives other than ACEI or ARB. At followup of about seven old ages, nephritic endurance, defined as lupus erythematosus that a 50 per centum addition in the serum creatinine concentration, was significantly more likely in the Vasotec group than in the control group: 92 % versus 55 % ( p A ; lt ; 0.05 ) . There was a important lessening in albuminuria in the Vasotec group, whereas an addition in albuminuria was observed in the control group ( P A ; lt ; 0.001 between groups ) . Control of blood force per unit area was similar in the two groups. In decision, ACEI significantly improves nephritic endurance in proteinuric IgA kidney disease with normal or reasonably impaired nephritic map. ( 5 ) High blood pressure, albuminuria of more than 1 gram per twenty-four hours, impaired nephritic map at the clip of diagnosing, relentless microscopic hematuria, and high glomerular histopathological tonss stand out as consistent and strong forecasters of hapless nephritic endurance harmonizing to literatures and cohort surveies from around the universe. ( 3,7,8 ) Ms MH demonstrates the first three hapless predictive factors of the above list and therefore she is expected to be at hazard of holding progressive disease in following few old ages. IgA kidney disease is a global disease and the cause of end-stage nephritic failure in 15-20 per centum of patients within 10 old ages and in 30 to 40 per centum of persons within 20 old ages from evident oncoming of disease. Harmonizing to Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews in the 3rd one-fourth of 2009, the optimum direction of IgA nephropathy remains unsure. Consequences from small-scaled randomised controlled tests favoured the usage of immunosuppressive intercessions, with the most promising agent being steroids, which were associated with a lower hazard of patterned advance to end-stage nephritic failure ( comparative hazard [ RR ] 0.44, 95 % assurance interval [ CI ] 0.25 to 0.8 ) and lower urinary protein elimination ( leaden mean difference [ WMD ] -0.49 g/day, 95 % CI -0.72 to -0.120 ) . Urinary protein elimination was lower for patients treated with alkylating agents or cyclosporin compared to placebo or no intervention. Further survey is necessary to determine which pa tients would profit from these intercessions. ( 9 ) Tables and figures ( non more than 2 ) : Reference ( non more than 10 ) : ** Brady HR, O’Meara YM, Brenner BM. Glomerular diseases. In: Kasper DL, Braunwald E, Fauci AS, et Al, explosive detection systems. Harrison ‘s rules of internal medical specialty, 16th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005:1674-94. Julian BA, Waldo FB, Rifai A, Mestecky J. IgA kidney disease, the most common glomerulonephritis worldwide. A ignored disease in the United States? Am J Med, 1988 ; 84:129-132. Donadio JV, Grande JP. IgA nephropathy. N Engl J Med 2002 ; 347:738-48. Li PKT, Lai KN. IgA nephropathy in Hong Kong. Journal of the Hong Kong Medial Association, 1989 ; 1:93-5. Praga M, Gutierrez E, Gonzalez E, Morales E. Treatment of IgA nephropathy with ACE inhibitors: A randomized and controlled test. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2003 ; 14:1578-83. Li PK, Leung CB, Chow KM, Cheng YL, Fung SK, Mak SK, Tang AW, Wong TY, Yung CY, Yung JC, Yu AW, Szeto CC ; HKVIN Study Group. Hong Kong survey utilizing Diovans in IgA nephropathy ( HKVIN ) : a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled survey. Am J Kidney Dis, 2006 ; 47:751-60. Li J, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Li G, Zou W, Wang H. Natural history of Ig A kidney disease and prognostic factors of forecast: a long-run follow up of 204 instances in China. Nephrology, 2008 ; 13:242-6. Chacko B, John GT, Neelakantan N, Korula A, Balakrishnan N, Kirubakaran MG, Jacob CK. Presentation, forecast and result of IgA kidney disease in Indian grownups. Nephrology, 2005 ; 10:496-503 Barkat R, Molony DA, Samuels JA. Immunosuppressive agents for handling IgA kidney disease. Cochrane Database of systematic Reviews. 3rd One-fourth, 2009 No of words ( excepting mentions ) : ____1260 _____ **The instance study will be REJECTED if the campaigners fail to adhere to the above format. Declaration I do solemnly and unfeignedly declare that the instance study submitted represents my ain work. I have been in clinical contact with the instance selected. The instance study has non been submitted to any assessment board or publication and it is NOT related to my 2nd forte ( Internet Explorers ) , if any. My consent is herewith given to the College to maintain a transcript of my instance study, in written and/or electronic, at the College Secretariat and let the populace to hold free entree to the work for mention. ______________________ ( Signed by _______________ ) How to cite A Young Lady With Feet Swelling Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Physical and Mental Effect of Teenage Pregnancy free essay sample
One of the most traumatic and devastating effect of teenage pregnancy is making it difficult for the girl to continue her education. And this is verily alarming especially here in the Philippines. It is a major contributor to poverty, single parenthood, and limited futures for adolescents and their children that is why it is so significant to attend to the problem now and not later. We must help young parents rise above what the statistics forecast. We can no longer look the other way when it comes to the issues our youth face today whether it is drugs or alcohol abuse, crime, sexual orientation, sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy.Our community must work together to empower, educate and encourage these individuals. We can address these issues by offering workshops on life skills such as budgeting, parenting, and financial planning. Young parents need access to resources in terms of rehabilitation, communication, parenting classes, relationship counseling and training. We will write a custom essay sample on Physical and Mental Effect of Teenage Pregnancy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Successful intervention methods must be established to resolve teenage pregnancy issues and teenage mother’s predicaments The sexual revolution has ushered in a period in which the average adolescent experiences tremendous pressures to have sexual experiences of all kinds.Filipino teens get a higher exposure to sex from the Internet, magazines, TV shows, movies and other media than decades ago, yet without any corresponding increase in information on how to handle the input. So kids are pretty much left to other kids for opinions and value formation when it comes to sex. Sexual misinformation is therefore equally shared in the group. Parents at home and teachers in school feel equally inadequate or uneasy to discuss the topic of sex with youngsters.The problem mounts because their peers has a more profound influence than parents do and they exert pressure and expect the adolescent to conform to the rest of them. Teen pregnancy has become known to be one of the most serious social problems in thewhole world. The youths today is at high risk of becoming an early and immature parent who areexpose to a malevolent behaviors. This issue is a severe family stressor that may quickly lead toa family crisis. The main objective of this research is to consider the physical and mental health of a pregnant teenager. As well as the cause and effect of pregnancy to the teenager and their social interaction. The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness†. Teenage pregnancy in the Philippines Teenage pregnancy in the Philippines is increasingly becoming a major cause of concern. There is a rising trend of young women becoming mothers and majority of whom are unmarried. Young pregnant women are more vulnerable to death during pregnancy while childbirth and huge number are not physically and emotionally prepared for motherhood.This is a direct reflection that there is inadequate and inaccurate information on adolescent pregnancy and not enough priority is given to maternal and child health care. If pregnancy occurs, teenagers and their families deserve honest and sensitive counseling about options available to them, from abortion to adoption. Special support systems, including consultation with a child and adolescent psychiatrist when needed, should be available to help the teenager throughout the pregnancy, the birth, and the decision about whether to keep the infant or give it up for adoption.The ability to talk openly about problems is one of the most important aspects of the parent and child relationship. Developing this relationship and open communication takes time, persistence, and understanding. The relationship develops gradually by spending time with the child. Meal times, storytelling, reading, playing games, outings, vacations, and celebrations are important opportunities for parents to spend time with their child. Parents should also try to spend some individual time with each child, particularly when talking about difficult or upsetting things.This relationship creates the foundation for talking with the child when struggles and conflicts emerge during adolescence. Whatever feelings youre experiencing, this is likely to be a difficult time for your family. The important thing to realize is that your teen needs you now more than ever. Being able to communicate with each other especially when emotions are running high is essential. Teens that are carrying a baby to term have special health concerns, and your child will have a healthier pregnancy emotionally and physically if she knows she doesnt have to go it alone.
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